
비슷한 제목

Market Research Analyst, Global Market Analyst, International Market Analyst, Business Intelligence Analyst, International Business Researcher, International Marketing Analyst, Market Research Consultant

작업 설명

Today’s global markets are more interconnected than ever, turning the planet into one giant mass of stores—and customers those stores want to sell to. That’s why many businesses that export goods and services use International Market Researchers to gauge marketing trends in other countries.

“Global marketing sees the world as one unique, individual market,” writes England’s University of York. From interviews to digital analytics, International Market Researchers review data and assess consumer behaviors while considering cultural, political, and economic influences. Their findings expose unique market opportunities as well as challenges that must be addressed. 

For those with the right mix of analytical skills, business acumen, and global curiosity, this career field features exciting opportunities to dive into the international business landscape! 

경력의 보람있는 측면
  • Exploring the cultures of other countries 
  • Helping businesses launch successful marketing campaigns
  • Contributing to global commerce
  • Chances to build relationships with international clients/partners
2022년 채용 정보
2032년 예상 고용
인사이드 스쿱
직무 책임

근무 일정

  • International Market Researchers work full-time with travel sometimes required, causing them to be away from home some nights, weekends, or holidays. 

일반적인 의무

  • Perform in-depth market analysis of various countries to understand their business environments, cultural nuances, and consumer behaviors  
  • Conduct surveys and focus group interviews to learn about consumer needs and pain points  
  • Address inquiries from internal teams about market specifics, potential barriers, competitor activities, and growth opportunities  
  • Conduct competitor analysis. Use findings to help with planning and decision-making 
  • Attend trade fairs/conventions to gather insights and identify market trends  
  • Analyze data from various sources. Create comprehensive market reports and forecasts  
  • Identify potential market segments within target countries that align with the company’s product or service offerings  
  • Present findings to stakeholders, highlighting potential opportunities and risks  
  • Forecast potential market growth. Recommend entry/exit strategies for specific regions  
  • Provide insights on pricing strategies based on market dynamics, competitor pricing, and consumer purchasing power in different countries  
  • Collaborate with product development teams. Help tailor products/services for specific international markets  
  • Advise marketing teams on appropriate advertising and promotions
  • Analyze feedback post-product launch to refine future market strategies  

추가 책임

  • Join international research and industry-specific organizations
  • Stay up-to-date on regulatory and compliance changes. Ensure business strategies align with local laws  
  • Use statistical software to find and analyze data, and forecast consumer trends and behaviors
  • Participate in continuous learning to keep up with new research methods and tools
직업에 필요한 기술

소프트 스킬

  • 정밀
  • 능동적 인 듣기
  • 분석 
  • 세부 사항에주의
  • 비즈니스 통찰력
  • 의사소통 기술
  • 호기심 
  • 디테일 지향
  • 공감
  • 융통성 
  • 독립의 
  • 무결성
  • 동기 부여
  • 객관성
  • 끈기
  • 문제 해결 능력

기술 능력

  • 소프트웨어 프로그램에 대한 지식:
  1. 비즈니스 인텔리전스
  2. 데이터 분석 
  3. 데이터베이스 관리
  4. 데이터 마이닝
  5. 엔터프라이즈 자원 계획
  6. 재무 분석
  7. 프로젝트 관리
  8. 영업 및 마케팅
  9. 스프레드시트
  • 국제 시장 동향 분석 능력
  • Copywriting and editing skills
  • Digital marketing and social media marketing skills
  • Experience in web design
  • Familiarity with international trade agreements, regulations, tariff codes, and customs procedures
  • 대상 국가 언어에 능통
  • 수출 문서 및 배송 물류에 대한 지식
  • SEO/SEM skills
  • 판매되는 제품 및 서비스에 대한 기술적 전문 지식
  • 환전 및 국제 은행 업무에 대한 이해
  • 해외 표준 준수에 대한 제품 이해
  • Knowledge of HTML 
다양한 유형의 조직
  • 농업 및 식품 생산자
  • 의류 및 패션 브랜드
  • 상품 트레이더
  • 주택 수출
  • 제조 회사
  • 다국적 기업 
  • 제약 회사
  • 기술 기업
  • 무역 회사
  • 도매 유통업체
기대와 희생

International Market Researchers may travel extensively, leading to time away from family. Because of the cultural immersion aspects of their work, they have to watch out for potential misunderstandings. Their dedication to staying updated on global trends also requires long hours, making burnout a possibility. They must be adaptive and culturally aware, as businesses rely on them to navigate global markets. 

As Trade.gov notes, international market research is “a key piece of successful export planning,” and it’s “important to critically review and assess demand for your product, as well as factors related to a given export destination.” Thus, researchers must master both quantitative and qualitative research, understand socio-cultural influences on consumer behavior, and communicate complex data effectively. Beyond gathering data, International Market Researchers provide strategic insights that can help businesses flourish—or hurt them if the insights are wrong. 

현재 동향

With the rise of e-commerce, all types of market researchers must focus more on online consumer behaviors, cross-border commerce dynamics, and the effectiveness of digital marketing.

Meanwhile, with growing global concern for sustainability, businesses are being evaluated for their environmental and societal impacts. Market research hones in on these preferences for sustainable products, ethical sourcing, and compliance with green regulations.

Many companies are adopting localization strategies, recognizing that global markets require tailored approaches. Thus, researchers have to analyze local cultures and preferences to guide their employers’ businesses in adapting products, services, and strategies for specific regions.

이 직업에 종사하는 사람들은 어렸을 때 어떤 종류의 일을 즐겼습니까?

International Market Researchers may have always been interested in advertising and sales, as well as the cultures of other countries. They’re often creative, curious, and persuasive people who enjoy learning new things and using their insights to help others. 

교육 및 훈련 필요
  • International Market Researchers need at least a high school diploma or equivalent
  • Most companies require a bachelor’s in business, business management, advertising, marketing, public relations, or a related field
  • 일반적인 학부 과정에는 다음이 포함됩니다:
  1. 문화 간 커뮤니케이션  
  2. Digital Marketing in the Global Landscape
  3. Emerging Markets and Market Behavior  
  4. Global Market Entry Strategies  
  5. International Market Research Methods  
  6. Qualitative Research in International Markets  
  7. Quantitative Analysis for Global Markets  
  • Market Researchers usually need a few years of related job experience, such as in customer service, sales, or other marketing positions
  • Completing an optional certification can help boost your career. Options include:
  1. American Marketing Association - Professional Certifications
  2. International Institute for Procurement and Market Research - Certified Research Expert
  3. International Institute of Market Research and Analytics - Certified Market Research Analyst
  4. International Trade Certification - Certified International Trade Marketing Specialist
대학에서 찾아야 할 것들
  • Look for accredited colleges offering majors in business, international business, marketing, or accounting 
  1. If dealing with technical products or services, you may need a degree in an applicable field, such as engineering
  2. Engineering college programs should be accredited by ABET
  • 인턴십 또는 실무 경험을 쌓을 수 있는 기회를 제공하는 프로그램을 찾아보세요. 
  • 수업료 및 수수료 비용을 비교하여 주 내 비용과 타주 비용에 주목하세요.
  • 장학금 및 재정 지원 옵션 검토
  • 졸업생 졸업 및 취업 통계 확인하기 
고등학교와 대학에서해야 할 일
  • In high school, you’ll need to master a lot of subjects, including business, international business, marketing, economics, statistics, data science, and social sciences
  • 영업 기술을 연마하려면 영어, 작문, 스피치, 토론 및 외국어에 도전하세요.
  • 기술 제품을 판매할 계획이라면 고등학교에서 수학, 과학, 공학, 기술 과목을 많이 수강하세요.
  • Try to pin down what regions or products/services you’re interested in!
  • Apply for part-time research or advertising-related jobs, especially if they are with a multinational company 
  • Volunteer for extracurricular activities, with a focus on roles that offer leadership and management experiences
  • Take online courses via edX or Udemy to polish up your marketing research skills 
  • Read trade publications and online articles and watch videos related to international business and trade. Familiarize yourself with current global business news and reports, international trade laws, regulations, and ethical considerations
  1. Check out resources like Market Research Society, Journal of Marketing Research, American Marketing Association, MarketResearch.com
  • If possible, try to participate in a study abroad program or internship—even if it isn’t about market research, just traveling outside of the United States can help you gain a new perspective on markets
  • Participate in relevant online forums and discussion groups like Reddit Market Research
  • Look for new ways to conduct market research, such as using LinkedIn
  • 이력서 및 / 또는 대학 지원서에 대한 모든 업무 및 학업 성취도를 추적하십시오. 
  • 전문 단체에 가입하여 네트워크를 형성하고, 배우고, 재미있게 보내십시오!
일반적인 로드맵
International Market Researcher Roadmap
1차 직장에 도착하는 방법
  • LinkedIn 및 기타 네트워킹 플랫폼에서 프로필 만들기
  • 인디드닷컴, 글래스도어, 집리크루터, USAJOBS 등의 구직 포털을 검색하세요.
  • Review job ads and look for keywords to list on your resume
  • If you have foreign language skills or cultural experience, highlight that on your application
  • If you don’t have much market research experience, consider applying for an internship or entry-level role in a marketing department 
  • Attend job fairs, stay connected to your professional network, and ask for leads on upcoming job openings
  • 판매하려는 제품 또는 서비스 유형과 관련된 최신 개발 사항을 최신 상태로 유지하세요.
  • 이전 교수와 감독자에게 추천서를 작성하거나 사전에 동의를 요청하여 참조로 나열하도록 요청하십시오.
  • Do your research on potential employers. Learn what kind of products and services they manufacture or sell and who their target international buyers are
  • 인터뷰 중에 업계 동향에 대한 예리한 인식을 보여줍니다.
  • Review International Market Researcher resume templates and sample interview questions  
  • 친구 또는 학교 커리어 센터와 함께 모의 면접을 진행하세요. 
  • 면접에 적합한 복장 
사다리를 오르는 법
  • The best way for an International Market Researcher to move up is to make money for their employer!
  • Consistently find emerging markets and potential customer bases. Deliver actionable reports on consumer needs, competitor activities, and growth opportunities  
  • Let your supervisor know you are interested in advancement. Offer to take the lead on tough projects or trips that maybe others don’t want to go on
  • Knock out additional education and training to improve your ability to conduct outstanding research and analysis, such as the International Institute of Market Research and Analytics’ Certified Market Research Analyst cert
  • If you focus on a particular country, learn about the language and culture
  • Know all the details about the product or service your employer sells
  • Be on time and well-prepared for presentations, offer solutions, and stay focused on stated goals and deadlines
  • Keep growing your professional network and stay active in professional organizations (see our list of Recommended Resources for more information) 
  • 규정 변경에 대한 최신 정보를 파악하여 조직이 항상 규정을 준수할 수 있도록 하세요.
계획 B

The job of an International Market Researcher can be rewarding but complicated. Sometimes the travel schedule isn’t suitable for everyone’s lifestyle. If you’re interested in exploring some related occupations, check out the suggestions below! 

  • 광고 판매 에이전트
  • 고객 서비스 담당자
  • 보험 판매 대리점
  • 홍보 전문가
  • 구매 관리자, 구매자 및 구매 대리인
  • 부동산 중개인 및 판매 대리인
  • 소매 판매 직원
  • 영업 엔지니어
  • 영업 관리자
  • 증권, 상품 및 금융 서비스 판매 대리인
  • 도매 및 제조 영업 담당자

뉴스 피드

온라인 과정 및 도구